Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I shampoo'd today. Yep. I had heard about this "transition period" where you have gross hair while it adjusts to no-poo, but wow. My hair was a grease pit yesterday. I couldn't stand it any longer and washed it with shampoo in the shower today. Then I went and got a hair cut where she washed my hair again. Take my greasy head to a professional hairstylist? No thanks. I'm still a poo-er. Maybe someday I'll try again. We'll see.

Can I just tell you how excited I am to see Harry Potter 7? I am waiting until after Hubs takes the bar exam (next Tuesday and Wednesday) so I'll see it next week sometime. Arrrg! I keep hearing how awesome it is and everyone is blogging about it (I probably will too) but I am not reading those blogs. I am going into it ready to be amazed. Eeeek!

I think my baby is teething. She is 4.5 months which is when my second daughter got her first teeth. She is cranky, drooly, and runny nose-y. I know "they" say that runny nose is not a symptom of teething, but anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise. Ya never know, I guess. My thinking is that you can blame any sleep/eating/behavioral problems on teeth until they are all in.

I love to floss. It is so incredibly satisfying. And now my children let me floss their teeth. It's so fun! Sweetcakes actually asked me if I wash my hands in between flossing their mouths (I do). Funny how she is becoming aware of germs!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Don't blame you one bit for giving the hair a good shampoo wash before a hair appointment. I'll be curious to know the results if you end up trying it out again. Love the new header up top.